QR-Code / Import Button
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Typing all information from your loved roasted beans is time consuming and can cause errors. So why not import directly a bean from a roaster, which already have all the information?
The roastery will get an access to a backend infrastructure where they can add all information they want to. After this they can generate an Import-Button or / and a QR-Code
Just think off an QR-Code which is placed on a coffee-bag, you open up your camera, scan this, an voila, all information are there.
The QR-Code doesn't need to be put on a coffee bag, it could be also on a card, flyer, etc.
After the QR-Code sometimes is a bit tricky, because packaging / design and so on, there is a faster and cost effective alternative: Roasters can put an Import-Button on their website, when you navigate to the specific page, press the button, the coffee will get added like with the QR-Code directly into your bean storage.
Even this is the fastest way without extra costs, I use to tell the roasters, that the QR-Code integration is the best in the end, because the consumer don't need to browse the website, and can scan directly the package.
-> Contact them, and ask them if they want to join.
-> The feature is free to use for the roaster.
See Partnering Roasters to have a look which are roasters are already on board.