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Creating and running the app is expensive (more infos on https://beanconqueror.com/running-costs.html). So financial support is always appreciated.
But also code contributions and translations are very welcome.
You can support me on this platforms: How to Support
The synchronization of data or login functionality is an often asked feature.
This topic is a big big thing, which will led into a user login in the end, which needs really much development aswell as testing. (Offline / Online synchronisation, File sync (Photo, Raw data from Bluetooth devices,...) etc.)
As much as I'd love to do this, as less time I've for this at the moment. Given solutions like from iOS or Android are not suitable on the actual solution inside Beanconqueror, which has been tested out on my side.
The plugin just stores JSON-Data but doesn't sync files, also the plugin has an issue when it comes to bigger JSON-structures, which will come over time
In the end, there also comes the situation, that with a user login, more infrastructure/server needs to exist, which needs to be paid.
Actually the costs are 0% covered in the actual situation and after I pay everything out of my own pocket, and also doing the whole development in my spare/hobby time this is not a thing at the moment.
The most of the supported scales which are supported in Beanconqueror having a closed source API. (Acaia, Felicita, Hiroia, etc.) That means that the implementation in Beanconqueror was a try & error situation to finally get it going.
I asked all the manufacturer which are having a closed source API to get an official documentation how to work with Beanconqueror, without success. The most integrations where done from the community (BIG THANKS!) which had a device at home. (I don't have e.g. an Acaia Pearl, Acaia Lunar, Acaia Pyxis, Felicita Arc and so on.) Therefore the modes like on a Acaia Scale can't be supported, because Beanconqueror simply does not know the Bluetooth interfaces and how to interact with them. Thats also the situation like when a button press on a scale is not reported to Beanconqueror e.g. Timer Start or Tare. What can you do?
After you've bought the product from the manufacturer you can open up a support request ticket to ask them to support Beanconqueror native and reach out to me: info@beanconqueror.com. For an implementation I also need a development device because the history showed me: Implementation without a device to test it, is a big time invest and more then frustrating.
If your smart scale is not supported, its not because we don't want to include the smart scale, its rather the fact that:
I don't have such a device at home aswell as the manufacturer does not send me a development device
The manufacturer has an closed source API, and because of this we don't know how to interact with the scale. See also: Why are smart scale modes or some button presses not supported?
Smart scales which are not supported: Fellow Tally, Timemore Nano, Gina, Pour X, Manta Brew, Ikape + X.
Please goto the Menu -> Bluetooth and activate "Keep scale connected" also set the "Heartbeat timer" to 200ms, and maybe move it upwards if its not fixed after that.
For more explanation about scale issues also look here for more understanding:Why are smart scale modes or some button presses not supported?
If you see this error message:
That means that somehow the scale does not transmit his weight data to Beanconqueror. Like written in the screenshot thats mostly an issue on iOS and with Acaia scales. What you need to do is to reconnect your scale with "..." on top.
When the scale is properly connected this weight tile shows the current weight of the scale:
Sometimes you sadly need to do this multiple times until it works.
For more explanation about scale issues also look here for more understanding:Why are smart scale modes or some button presses not supported?
The UI/UX was done by a former college - which did this all on her sparetime and for no money, but sadly left the project more than 2 years ago. She also designed and illustrated those beautiful preparation icons we all use daily :) The request for the dark mode was and is still addressed in several forum, discords, emails or direct in chat towards me. If there is someone out there, which likes to invest the time to design & style the whole application for a dark mode as a gift for Beanconqueror, I'd gladly & happily implement this for everyone, but if there is no helping hand, this won't happen in a near, middle or far future so - sorry!
With this Button you can import all data for the specific bean directly into Beanconqueror.
When you can this QR-Code, you can import all data for the specific bean directly into Beanconqueror.
Tell them about Beanconqueror, and ask them if they want to join. Its free! Let them get into contact with me: info@beanconqueror.com
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There are also several forum threads about Beanconqueror
Beanconqueror is very much focused on transparency and privacy. Please check the website to find out more about tracking: https://beanconqueror.com/data-tracking.html
Tracking is disabled by default, but I'm happy when you share the data - all anonymous.