Backup & Import - Android 14
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Android changed the possibility to access the //Android_data folder with Android 14
This also means for Beanconqueror users, its not that easy to swap your devices in the end, but its possible.
First of all: Make sure to do a full export inside Beanconqueror.
After that your data should be stored anywhere here:
-> Or somewhere else I don't know, and which is Android & Manufacturer specific
So what to do now?
Use your old device and do a full export (Menu -> Export) (This may take a while)
Install ADB (e.g.:
Connect your old-device (adb start-server)
Show if the olddevice is connected (adb devices) -> It shall now display your device
Now the crucial part: Download the data
Sample for macOS: adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ /Users/XXX/Downloads
You should now have the whole data-folder on your PC
Now disconnect your old device, and connect your new device.
Install Beanconqueror on your new device
Start Beanconqueror once
Close Beanconqueror
adb push /Users/XXX/Downloads/ /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
Now all data should be transferred
And we hope we're good to go.
Now follow this: