Backup & Import

Automatic Backups

Beanconqueror does auto backups. They can be found here:


Files App -> My Device -> Beanconqueror -> Beanconqueror_automatic_export*.zip


/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/*.zip (Or ///

This data does NOT inherit images or brew graph data.

Export all data

To export all data, goto "Menu" -> "Settings" -> Press Export

All data will be exported, images, brew graphs and a new

If you want to Import these data now to a new phone or do a saftey backup, make sure to copy the whole Beanconqueror folder.

Import / Transfer new phone

You got a new phone and want to transfer all Beanconqueror data, or something messed up and you want to import again. First of all: Importing the or Beanconqueror_automatic_export*.zip without having all or some images or brew graphs available will work.

How to start

  1. Install Beanconqueror (Android or iOS).

  2. Open Beanconqueror

  3. Go through the starting screens (don't add anything).

  4. Close the application

  5. Copy the data which you backed up from Export all data into the new folder

  6. Open Beanconqueror again

  7. Goto "Menu" -> "Settings" -> Press "Import" -> Choose your or Beanconqueror_automatic_export*.zip in the new folder.

    1. Maybe you need to put this .ZIP file to the normal Download folder to access it (Android 14)

  8. Wait - finish.

  9. (In best way, force quit the application and restart)

Last updated